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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Reprimanded Judge Avoids Rally

Associated Press

Supreme Court Justice Richard Sanders was spotted at an anti-abortion rally Monday - but not on purpose and not for long.

The judge, who got in hot water for attending and addressing a similar “March for Life” two years ago, was seen talking with people at the edge of the crowd as they gathered for a noon rally.

Was Sanders tweaking the noses of the very judges who are deciding on his appeal of the reprimand he drew for attending the earlier rally?

Well, actually, he was heading to lunch in the Capitol cafeteria before the event. He left the area before speeches began.

Later, he said he stands by everything he said before, but knows not to push the issue by attending a rally again.

Told that three speakers invoked his name and read excerpts from his brief 1996 speech about protecting “innocent life,” he said he was gratified.

“I have been muzzled. I think I spoke the truth, and you don’t change the truth by muzzling the messenger or by trying to degrade people,” he said.