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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

‘Hush’ Will Make Great TV, Someday

Robert Philpot Fort Worth Star-Telegram

“Hush” is a good title for a movie; it fits better on a marquee than “The USA Network Movie That Escaped and Swallowed the A-list Actresses.”

This movie - about a pregnant bride (Gwyneth Paltrow) with more than her share of mother-in-law problems (courtesy of a psycho Jessica Lange) - should be the type that you either resist or run with. Given its melodramatic dialogue and dinner-theater acting, it’s easy to do either.

But director Jonathan Darby doesn’t seem to realize what a goof of a script he has on his hands, maybe because he co-wrote it. If he’d tarted “Hush” up a bit, it could have been a lot of fun. Instead, he seems intent on using Hitchcockian shots that were innovative 40 years ago, but now are unintentionally funny. He could have learned something else from Hitch, or from a Robert Aldrich potboiler like “Whatever Happened to tarted “Hush” up a bit, it could have been a lot of fun. Instead, he seems intent on using Hitchcockian shots that were innovative 40 years ago, but now are unintentionally funny.

His actresses have the idea; you may find yourself wondering how many takes it took Lange and Paltrow to film scenes without cracking up. Paltrow, in particular, appears to be stifling a case of the giggles, especially during a spoiled-brat speech toward the end of the movie (you practically expect her to say, “Nyahh-nyahh!”).

Her performance is uneven; she’s good when delivering her patented blend of petulance and insolence, but flat in her scenes with hubby Johnathon Schaech, who doesn’t give her all that much to bounce off of, anyway.

It’s senseless to fight “Hush,” but it’s also senseless to recommend it. Mercifully short and TV-ready at 95 minutes, it should pop up on the tube in a year or so, and then you can watch it for free. Even then, you probably shouldn’t bother, unless the weather’s really lousy. xxxx “Hush” Location: North Division, Valley Mall and Coeur d’Alene cinemas Running time: 1:35 Rating: PG-13