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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Newcomers Gearing Up For Upcoming Season

GSL baseball

A new coach and new team are part of the North Side Greater Spokane League baseball scene, which begins next Thursday.

Brock Taylor takes over at defending league champion Mead High for Dave Vaughn, who resigned to spend time with his growing family.

“I’m not going to reinvent the wheel,” said Taylor, a 14-year teacher. The last four seasons he was Mead’s junior varsity coach. “The coaches before did a great job and the program is going in the right direction.”

Dave Whitehead, a Mead graduate and 12-year junior high and junior varsity coach, heads the new program at Mt. Spokane High.

“If we play well and improve, that’s all I’m asking for,” he said.

Young Shadle Park and Gonzaga Prep will try to remain playoff teams, Rogers and North Central hope to move up after contending for spots until late into last season.

Four vets lead Panthers

Four seniors, three of them All-GSL, head Taylor’s first lineup.

Sam Hess at catcher, Brandon Muzatko at third base, Joe Chimienti, first base-designated hitter, and Bryan Schutz, second base, are the veteran players.

“When you have unproven pitching, it doesn’t hurt to have a catcher who’s been around while,” said Taylor of third-year starter Hess.

Pitchers are senior transfer Neil Logue, juniors Ryan Pugh and Kent Hibbard, sophomore Dan Thigpen and senior Jeremy Winant.

Sophomore Dan Stucky or senior Nick Griego will be the new Panther shortstop. Junior Kevin Sullivan is a utility infielder.

Outfielders are junior Kyle Ellenz, senior Keith Stamps, Griego, Josh Sampson and Matt Beal.

“If our pitching comes through, we’ve got a shot to be in the thick of things,” said Taylor.

Pitching key to Shadle fortunes

Pitching is pivotal to any team’s success and Shadle Park is no exception.

“With three senior pitchers last year, it has been our biggest priority,” said coach Ron Brooks.

The Highlanders bring back eight players, including starting outfielder Tim Snell and junior catcher Chet Womach.

Spot players are Levi Penick in the outfield, junior Derek Bishop at shortstop, Jason Schrader at third base and Joey Bell at first base.

Also back are pitcher-third baseman Kurk Cerenzia and outfielder Nick Bruck.

Newcomers vying to play include most of the pitching staff. Juniors Justin Karle and Adam Griffith are lefthanders. Dan Lafferty, also a first baseman, Jamey Hebert and Andy Miller, also outfielders, are rightys.

Also new are catcher Jason Wisor, second baseman Ryan Keyes, third baseman Travis Blasky and outfielder Tom Treppiedi.

“They are really working hard and had success last summer in Legion,” said Brooks. “It’s just with juniors you have to get them grown up in a hurry.”

Bullpups are senior oriented

Second-year coach Darryl Stephens and his baseball players are familiar with each other.

The Bullpups field 14 seniors, a dozen of whom were on Stephens’ varsity last year. The remainder of the 16-man roster played for him during American Legion ball last summer.

“I think personally it will be easier,” said Stephens who would like to challenge for a league championship. “It’s been a long time since Prep was at the top.”

Zach Yarbrough, a 6-foot-4 220 pounder, is the returning pitching ace. He’ll be backed by veterans John Blakesley, Kurt Paras, Joe Gumaer and Ben Coffman.

Paras and Coffman are also outfielders and Gumaer is a catcher.

Sean Thacker, Kevin O’Connell and Jay Herrin return in the outfield. Sean O’Connor is back at catcher. Tom Black will play first base, moving from shortstop where junior newcomer Derek Pegg takes over. Brian Frankovic returns at third base, backed by Nick Korst.

Other newcomers are senior second baseman David Sullivan, outfielder Damien Ramirez, who was injured and did not play last season, and junior infielder Garth Erickson.

Young Rogers looks to future

With only four returning varsity players and the prospect that two freshman will play this year, Rogers coach Jim Wasem sees a bright future.

“We have some young pups who will get their feet wet,” he said. “I see a big future for the sophomores and freshmen.”

Junior Taylor West, a pitcher-third baseman and the team’s leading hitter, returns along with pitcher-first baseman Andy Bayne, shortstop-pitcher Jeff Mace and junior second baseman Dan Crowley.

The hurlers are among a dozen varsity members who can throw. Included are freshmen Nick Scott, also a shortstop, and Chad Krebs, who plays outfield.

Other pitching possibilities are seniors Justin Miller, a California transfer who plays outfield, Justin Cannon, Kyle Ruffell, an outfielder, juniors Cameron Bowers, a third baseman, Jon Tibbetts, an outfielder, Josh Schumacher and utility player Edgar Muniz.

This year for the first time, there are five true catchers in the program including sophomore Mike Cook and senior Shawn Harrington.

Others on the team are senior outfielders Sam Fain, Justin Cox and Brian Giles.

“The chemistry is better and we have better overall athleticism,” said Wasem. “We finally have some talent in the lower ranks.”

NC coach likes team chemistry

North Central will carry a dozen varsity players, half a dozen of them back from last year.

“I want to give a lot of kids playing time,” coach Scott Harmon said. “It’s a real uniform group that’s been around each other and has good team chemistry.”

Catcher Aaron Farr, first baseman- pitcher Matt Schwarzer, centerfielder Ray Bowser, shortstop-third baseman Chris Blotsky and juniors Nick Frocheiser and Brett Pearson are the varsity veterans.

New are junior second basemen Nathan Barkdull, Nathan Huntley, pitcher-outfielders Steve Cumbie and John Forness, sophomore outfielder Matt Von Steuben and pitcher-infielder Jason Hansen.

“The pitching is inexperienced and young,” said Harmon, “but the kids love baseball. We’re looking to compete and shoot for more wins.”

Youth feeds Mt. Spokane team

Numerous sophomores could find themselves in the lineup at some point of the inaugural Wildcat season.

“It’s going to be tough for us,” said Whitehead. “Young teams usually don’t compete in league, although we do have talent.”

Several pitchers will get playing time including juniors Cole Young, Jamie Ham, Jon Ferrell or sophomores Robert Schuyler, Jeremy Smith or left-hander Wayne Leyde.

Other hopefuls are Justin Lewis and Corey Freuen.

Juniors Matt Bailey and Freuen are first baseman. Sophomores Tim Bowman and Matt Binder will split time at second. Junior Chris Hughbanks and Young are at shortstop. Sophomore Joe Kernkamp and junior Josh Cowart are at third. Kernkamp and sophomore Jim Hryniewicz are the catchers.

Outfielders include sophomores Jacob Swanson, Josh Emery, juniors Cowart, Cole Hockett, Jon Ferrell and Chris Ziegler.

“We hope to sneak a few wins here and there,” said Whitehead. “Any we get will be a bonus for me.”

, DataTimes