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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Teen Killed, Mother Hurt In Bomb Blast

Compiled From Wire Services

A bomb exploded Thursday in a teenager’s bedroom, killing the boy and seriously injuring his mother.

“Right now we are considering it a homicide investigation,” said state police Sgt. Steve Brown.

Brown would not comment on reports the bomb was contained in a parcel delivered by United Parcel Service, but police searched a UPS truck two miles south of town Thursday night.

Christopher Marquis, 17, died after being taken to the Rutland Regional Medical Center, police said. His mother, Sheila Rockwell, 52, suffered a serious leg injury, injuries to her torso and lost part of a hand, state police Capt. Dean George said.

She had been in her son’s room when the explosion happened at the home directly behind the police and fire departments. Other areas of the one-story ranch house were not seriously damaged, George said. Police checked the house for other explosives, but found none.

The FBI and the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms were heading the investigation.

“At this point we’re trying to identify what happened,” said Nicholas Repasky, the FBI’s supervisory agent in Vermont.