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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

DivorceCare group starting at Mirabeau Chapel Monday

A nondenominational support group for divorced people is starting up this week at Mirabeau Chapel.

Each DivorceCare group meeting will include a video on topics such as anger, depression, forgiveness and loneliness presented by experts. Participants will then discuss the video topics with each other.

The group will meet each Monday at 6:30 p.m. at the church at 3001 N. Pines Road. Call 928-7600 for more information.

Visiting youth choir

A youth group from Lake Washington Christian Church will perform the original production “The Prodigal Mystery Tour” Sunday at Opportunity Christian Church. The performance is based on the story of the Prodigal Son using popular songs.

The performance is set to begin at 5 p.m. at the church, at 708 N. Pines Road.

Community hymn sing

The Berean Bible Church will host a community hymn sing at 3 p.m. Sunday. The event will include a performance by the Melody Singers. The church is located at 10910 E. Boone.