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Dicks has change of heart on Iraq war

Alicia Mundy Seattle Times

WASHINGTON — It was after 11 p.m. on Nov. 18 when Rep. Norm Dicks finally left the Capitol, fresh from the heated House debate on the Iraq war. He was demoralized and angry.

Sometime during the rancorous, seven-hour floor fight over whether to immediately withdraw U.S. troops, one Texas Republican compared those who question America’s military strategy in Iraq to the hippies and “peaceniks” who protested the Vietnam War and “did terrible things to troop morale.”

The House was in a frenzy over comments by Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., who had called for the troops to leave Iraq in six months. In response, the White House initially likened Murtha, a 37-year veteran of the Marines and an officer in Vietnam, to lefty moviemaker Michael Moore.

Then a new Republican representative from Ohio, Jean Schmidt, relayed a message to the House that she said she had received from a Marine colonel in her district: “Cowards cut and run; Marines never do.”

During much of the debate, Dicks, a Democrat from Bremerton, huddled in the Democrats’ cloakroom with Murtha, a longtime friend. Both men are known for their strong support of the military over the years. Now, they felt, that record was being questioned.

“There was a lot of anger back there,” Dicks said in an interview this week. “It was powerful. I can’t remember anything quite as traumatic as this in my history here.”

Near midnight, he drove to his D.C. home, and wondered how defense hawks like he and Murtha had gotten lumped in with peaceniks by their colleagues and the administration.

Voted to back Bush

In October 2002, Dicks voted loudly and proudly to back President Bush in a future deployment of U.S. troops to Iraq — one of two Washington state Democratic House members to do so. Adam Smith, whose district includes Fort Lewis, was the other.

Dicks thought Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and wouldn’t hesitate to use them against the United States.

Dicks now says it was all a mistake — his vote, the invasion, and the way the United States is waging the war.

The Bush administration has accused some members of Congress of rewriting history by claiming the president misled Americans about the reasons for going to war. Congress, the administration says, saw the same intelligence and agreed Iraq was a threat.

But Dicks says the intelligence was “doctored.” And he says the White House didn’t plan for and deploy enough troops for the growing insurgency.

Growing doubts

On July 6, 2003, Dicks awoke to read the now-famous New York Times opinion piece by former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, who had been sent on a CIA mission to investigate a report that Iraq had tried to buy nuclear materials in Africa.

Wilson wrote that he had found no evidence of such Iraqi intentions and criticized Bush for making the claim in his State of the Union address two months before the invasion.

“That Joe Wilson article was very troubling,” Dicks said.

Last Friday, the White House called Dicks to gauge his support for the war. House GOP leaders were pushing for a vote on a resolution they hoped would put Democrats on the spot by forcing them to either endorse an immediate troop withdrawal or stay the course in Iraq.

Dicks said he told the White House that “their attack on Murtha was the most outrageous comment I’ve ever heard.”

The resolution, denounced by Democrats, ultimately was defeated 403-3.

Dicks says the Pentagon should begin a phased withdrawal and leave some troops to help maintain order and train a new Iraq army. “We’ve got to be very concerned that Iraq comes out of this whole,” he said.

But he added, “We can’t take forever.”

Some people say it takes eight to nine years to control an insurgency, Dicks said.

“I don’t think the American people will give eight to nine years, and I sure as heck won’t.”