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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Today’s trivia: Sample a breakfast quiz

Knight Ridder

September is National Better Breakfast Month. Test your knowledge of some of America’s breakfast staples.

1) Which state has 80 percent of its harvested oranges used for juice?

A. Florida

B. Hawaii

C. California

D. Georgia

2) How much coffee does the typical American consume in a year?

A. 5 gallons

B. 10 gallons

C. 15 gallons

D. 20 gallons

3) What character almost represented Frosted Flakes instead of Tony the Tiger?

A. Gail the Gator

B. Katy the Kangaroo

C. Bobby the Bear


. Larry the Lion

4) What was a common breakfast item for Pennsylvania Dutch?

A. Pancakes


. Hard-boiled eggs

C. Radishes

D. Cornbread

5) Each year, how many donuts do we eat?

A. 1 billion

B. 7 billion

C. 10 billion

D. 16 billion