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Slow Food Upper Columbia members report on Terra Madre

The Spokesman-Review

Two members of Slow Food Upper Columbia will host a meeting Monday to report on a recent trip to Turin, Italy, where they were United States delegates at an international conference called Terra Madre. Al Kowitz and Evelyn Florio will give a slide presentation on the meeting at 7 p.m. at Meyer’s Falls Market in Kettle Falls, Wash.

Terra Madre drew more than 6,500 participants from 14 countries to promote the goals of Slow Food International. According to a news release, Terra Madre 2006 focused on strengthening the network of food communities, cooks and universities; emphasized agriculture that respects the environment; and considered ways to find new outlets for small-scale producers who face competition from industrial producers and distributors.

Speakers and delegates included Michael Pollan, author of “An Omnivore’s Dilemma,” Gary Nabhan, who wrote “Coming Home to Eat,” and Alice Waters, founder of Chez Panisse restaurant in Berkeley, Calif. The public is invited to attend. A light dinner will be available for purchase at the deli starting at 6 p.m.