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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Subdue Mideast’s bullies, or else

John C. Bersia The Spokesman-Review

In the face of gravely troubling situations in Iran and the Palestinian Authority, with time running short, the international community has a collective responsibility to act with dispatch and decisiveness.

Simply put, the world cannot afford to appease Tehran by yielding to its nuclear brinkmanship. Nor can it tolerate an incoming Palestinian government dominated by an organization that dedicates itself to violence and opposes peace efforts in the Middle East.

Iranian leaders apparently have concluded that the United States and its allies are too preoccupied with Iraq, too concerned that global oil prices will skyrocket, and too apprehensive about Tehran’s capacity to cause disruption through its extremist brethren in Iraq and elsewhere to stand up to Iran.

Moreover, they have insisted – as a primary defense of their actions – that their country’s nuclear-research program has peaceful aims. But they clearly have not shared enough details about the program for the international community to reach the same conclusion, nor have they negotiated in earnest. What if they are hiding something? What if they have already developed some rudimentary nuclear weapons? What if they are stalling for time to increase the sophistication of such devices? What if they manage a breakthrough sooner than expected and successfully marry nuclear weapons with their increasingly potent missile force?

It is time for the international community to say no to brinkmanship, no to blackmail, no to the threat of a rampage by extremists and no to dangerous uncertainty. Let the Iranians suspend nuclear cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency. Let them withhold their oil. Let them play the terrorist card. Let them ratchet up their nuclear research. Those threats should not stop the referral of the Iranian nuclear case to the United Nations Security Council. And that body should not hesitate to slap Tehran with economic sanctions and unequivocally underscore its willingness to consider additional action. Iran’s defiance should not stand unchallenged.

Similar firmness should be used with Hamas. It is heartening that the proper language has sounded not only from the United States and European countries but also from certain countries in the Middle East. I especially appreciated last week’s blunt talk by Omar Suleiman, the Egyptian intelligence chief and main envoy on Palestinian affairs.

First, he said, Hamas must stop advocating and using violence. Second, it must be committed to all of the agreements that the Palestinian Authority has signed. And third, it must recognize Israel and its right to exist. Those are the least gestures Hamas should make. If not, Suleiman continued – and he is correct on this point – Hamas should not expect Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to ask it to form a government.

Indeed, it would make no sense for Hamas to establish a government without an attitude adjustment. Unchanged, Hamas would complicate the peace process and encourage troublemakers, including Iran, to expand their disruptive behavior. Not surprisingly, Tehran has welcomed the Hamas victory and expressed its hope that the new Palestinian majority will produce stronger resistance against Israel.

In dealing with both Iran and Hamas, the international community either can act now and accept certain consequences, or inexcusably resign itself to even more dire possibilities.