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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Partners program sponsored by hospitals

Name of program: Partners with Families and Children, 613 S. Washington St.

What it does: The program is a hospital-based advocate for the abused and neglected.

Who runs it: Partners with Families and Children is a private, nonprofit group sponsored by Deaconess Medical Center and Sacred Heart Medical Center.

“They give us backbone,” said Mary Ann Murphy, executive director of the program.

How to get help: Families experiencing violence or neglect can be referred to the program by law enforcement, Child Protective Services or a medical doctor, but Murphy added that walk-ins are also accepted, since they will not turn away anyone who needs help.

Typical client: According to Murphy, many of the families that seek help from the program have been experiencing violence for more than one generation.

Many of the children have been suffering from neglect due to poverty or because the parents suffer from mental health problems or chemical dependency.

Partners with Families and Children will refer the parents to other programs to receive counseling.

How to give help: One of the services offered by Partners with Families and Children is Kid’s Court, a Saturday session to prepare children who must testify in court.

The children get to meet a judge, sit in the witness stand chair and tour the courtroom in order to feel comfortable in that environment.

Volunteers are always needed for this service, and donations are always accepted.

“We do really appreciate the generosity of the community,” said Murphy.

The program can be reached at 473-4810.