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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


The Spokesman-Review

High point of the game

Still looking for it. The Cougars’ first touchdown – and the only one that really mattered – was a gift courtesy of a muffed punt that had WSU starting well into Arizona State territory. Were it not for that charitable deed by the Sun Devils, this game might have been even uglier. Credit should go to the WSU offense for putting together a nice scoring drive to start the second half. But a few nice offensive adjustments meant little while the defense continued to struggle.

Low point of the game

After that second-half touchdown made the score 30-14, a defensive stop by the Cougars might have given them a chance. Instead, a defense that allowed six scores in six first-half offensive possessions was made to look even sillier. Tyron Brackenridge, the Cougars’ top cornerback and one of the few defenders who seemed to hold his own in the second half, got beat deep by Brandon Smith on Arizona State’s first second-half possession for a 62-yard score, and any doubt that this game was over went out the window.

A pat on the back

Wide receiver Chris Jordan again played on his bad knee, starting because Jason Hill and Michael Bumpus were both absent. And sadly, Jordan again injured the knee, and the initial diagnosis suggested a torn ACL. Even if this latest injury isn’t that significant, his career is still probably over and Jordan deserves a great deal of respect for his valiant comeback attempt late in this, his senior season.

Needs fixing

WSU was bad across the board against Arizona State, but its defense was especially embarrassed, as Rudy Carpenter and the Sun Devils made it seem like they were running an 11-on-none practice for much of the game. Defensive coordinator Robb Akey has done a masterful job throughout the year despite injuries, talent shortcomings and any number of potential pitfalls. But this week will represent his greatest test, as he must figure out why his defense has turned porous in the last two weeks. Be it a return to the 4-3 defense, a different schematic switch, or just a lot of yelling in practice, something has to be done, and soon.

Three unanswered questions

1) What happened Saturday night?

2) Is this team’s psyche too damaged to play a much-needed good game in the Apple Cup?

3) Really, what happened Saturday night?

Glenn Kasses