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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

BeJane offers tips for women do-it-yourselfers

Alex L. Goldfayn McClatchy

Got a clogged drain and need a quick fix?

Try pouring some baking soda and vinegar down the drain, then run the hot water.

Need to patch a wall?

Make sure you let the drywall compound set overnight, otherwise it won’t sand smoothly. Also, the compound shrinks as it dries, so apply several thin coats, allowing each to dry thoroughly.

These tips are brought to you by Burbank, Calif.-based, a home- improvement site owned by and aimed at women do-it-yourselfers.

Chicago resident Barbara See, 34, is a proud member of the site’s target demographic.

See often does work on her parents’ home and turns to the site for everything from sanding and grouting to tips on using a Dremel tool.

BeJane’s founders launched the site because both had dealt with large home-improvement projects and found little help for female homeowners.

“I was single, purchased a home and had to do everything from tiling to electrical to knocking down walls,” said Eden Jarrin, 30, the company’s chief executive.

Added co-founder Heidi Baker: “I bought a home that looked like it was stuck in 1962. It needed a complete overhaul. “

After discussing their experiences, they realized the female home-improvement market is massive and largely underserved.

So, in 2004, they launched

The Web site covers hundreds of home-improvement topics with detailed step-by-step instructional articles. There are also voice-narrated animations and, more recently, professionally produced videos.

There’s also an active message board where women can ask one another questions and share their experiences.

And, because it’s a site by women, for women, things are organized in a way that might make Bob Vila squirm.

For example, in addition to listing projects by their common categories, such as electrical, flooring and carpentry, also organizes them by mood (like romantic, happy, serene, sophisticated) and by event (new baby, kids’ transitions, empty nester).

“Maybe she wants her bedroom to be more romantic,” said Baker. “Instead of talking about electrical, we ask if she wants to be able to dim the lights in that room.” is free to use, but you’ll have to register to use the message board and to receive the site’s monthly newsletter.