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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

It’s easy to start your own blog

The Spokesman-Review

How do I … start a blog?

A blog, or more correctly, a weblog, is an online diary. People all over the place are using online tools to discuss some area of interest, make comments on their community or stay in touch with like-minded nerds. True blogs also let others quickly post comments and make responses, creating “community” in the process.

Dozens of sites walk you through the process of starting one. Well-known launch points include Blogger, MySpace (for the younger set) and Livejournal.

A key point is that nearly every blog-hosting site gives you the choice of deciding whether anyone can read what you post or if it’s only viewable by “friends” you select or invite in by password or some other step.

A good summary of the options blogging allows is at Livejournal. Check out the Quick Tour page there at tour/journal.bml.

While there, the next obvious step is the Get Started Now button. It takes you to the standard setup page asking for the usual stuff — e-mail address, user name, and password choice. It’s free. Follow the steps and try a test posting and see how it works.