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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Eyewall shifts may help predict hurricane intensity

Randolph E. Schmid Associated Press

WASHINGTON – Watching for changes in the inner eyewall of a hurricane may help forecasters overcome one of their most perplexing challenges: predicting sudden strengthening or weakening.

The ability to predict what path a hurricane will follow has improved dramatically in recent years, but anticipating sudden changes in intensity has remained a problem.

And knowing a hurricane’s strength is vital to making decisions about evacuating areas when a storm approaches.

Now, a research team led by Robert A. Houze Jr., a University of Washington professor of atmospheric science, is reporting evidence that clouds around the eyewall of a storm can cause sudden changes in intensity.

The findings, in today’s issue of the journal Science, are based on analyses of data collected in 2005 in Hurricanes Katrina and Rita that devastated New Orleans and portions of Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana and Texas.

The strongest winds in a hurricane circulate in the cloud wall that surrounds the relatively calm and clear eye of the storm.

Taking measurements from aircraft flying into these storms, the researchers led by Houze found that occasionally a “moat” of clear air will form outside the eyewall. Winds funneling toward the center of the storm will then form a new eyewall outside the original one, cutting off the storm center from the incoming flow of energy and eliminating the old eyewall.

Because the new eyewall is larger than the old one, its winds circulate more slowly – as an ice skater with arms extended spins more slowly than one with arms held close to the body – thus reducing the intensity of the storm.

But the new eyewall can then begin to contract, spinning faster and faster and increasing the storm’s intensity.

Using aircraft to study these changes could help improve forecasts of storm intensity, Houze said in a telephone interview.

He noted that while Hurricanes Rita and Katrina moved along similar paths, Rita experienced eyewall replacement and Katrina did not. Rita weakened from a category 5 storm to a 3 or 4 after the eyewall was replaced. Katrina was a 5 just offshore but was somewhat less powerful when it came ashore.

Now the researchers are delving into the detailed information to see if they can determine what caused the eyewall replacement in one storm and not the other.

They are looking at a couple of ideas, Houze said, “but nothing definitive can answer this yet.”