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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Welcome Home!

Cheryl-anne Millsap The Spokesman-Review

When my children were small, I was always pulled in two directions on Halloween night. I loved being home to open the door and find costumed little ones on the step, holding out a bag for treats. I would light a fire, grab a book and listen for the doorbell.

But, I also loved holding a little hand and walking down leaf strewn sidewalks, admiring decorations and saying hello to friends and neighbors when they opened the front door.

And, to be honest, I liked to peek into the homes that open door afforded.

I don’t even try to hide the fact that I’m a décor voyeur. I can’t resist a peek into illuminated windows as I drive down the street in the evening. It’s fun to see homes that have been lovingly restored or decorated and are proudly displayed for passersby. I get a lot of good ideas that way.

There’s a house in my neighborhood that frequently flickers with candlelight. Almost every evening the owners light candles on the mantle over the fireplace in the living room. It must be the way they celebrate the place they call home. I light the candles on my table before we sit down for the evening meal and I think about them.

Another house, just a few blocks from me, has a wide window beside the front door. There is always a big, beautiful flower arrangement on a table in front of that window and I’m not the only one who looks to see what’s on display. A reader contacted me to say that house is the best part of her commute. The homeowner’s love of flowers is a gift to everyone who drives past.

I admire that kind of generosity and it’s made me more likely to pick up a bouquet now and then.

I won’t be holding any little hands this Halloween, but I will be there to open the door with a big smile.

Well, that and a candy bar.

This week in Home

True pumpkin carving connoisseurs don’t like to work ahead. They wait until the big day to slice into the big yellow gourd and craft a fresh masterpiece to light the way for little trick or treaters. So, to help you prepare for tomorrow’s festivities we paid a visit to a local carver. Our cover story will help you light up the night.

With winter weather on its way, Pat Munts, our gardening columnist, has tips to help you put your roses to bed until spring. And, in our popular Newcomer feature, we introduce you to a couple that keeps finding new reasons to love living in Spokane.

Tomorrow night is a good time to get out of the house and take a walk around your neighborhood. Ring a doorbell, say hello and move on.

Take a look in your own front door at the end of the night.

That’s the real treat.

Happy Halloween.