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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

It’s easy to set RSS feeds to regular e-mail update

The Spokesman-Review

How do I … send RSS feeds to my e-mail address?

There are several ways to set your RSS feeds to a regular e-mail update.

Backing up: RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication, an online system to gather the newest posts or stories from a given site. If you want to find just the latest stories on .TXT, you can set up an RSS feed to do that.

Normally you use a feed reader like Google Reader to find new stories. But for e-mail delivery we suggest RSSFWD, a free service available at

It’s simple and effective. When new feeds are available, they land in your inbox, either in HTML or plain text form. To sign up for an RSSFWD delivery, just bookmark the RSSFWD page in your browser. When you land on a page that has a feed, click your RSSFWD bookmark and it asks you for your e-mail address. It’s that easy.