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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


The Spokesman-Review

Joke misinterpreted as threat

In reference to Don Collings’ article in Your Voice section (Assessment flawed) Jan. 17. My assessment from 2006 to 2007 was over 110 percent. I objected and a hearing date was set.

I read the qualifications for a hearing and found I made a little over the state’s $35,000 limit. I sent in the cancellation notice for my hearing – I wrote that I still didn’t agree with their assessment, and next to Mr. Baker’s name I wrote, “Keep your door locked, Ralph” in reference to his keeping his doors locked so he wouldn’t have to deal with the general public. It was a joke.

Well, the next thing I know I’m getting a call from our city’s finest informing me it was a Class 3 felony to threaten a public official, and what did I mean by my joke. I explained to them it was all a joke and apologized for wasting their time.

Was Ralph threatening me by using the police? I am 64 years old, a veteran and disabled. Ralph, if you don’t want to see the general public that elected you, why did you run for this office? If I could afford a million-dollar condo, I wouldn’t have to pay property tax.

Ed Griffin
