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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Congress abandoned honor

The Spokesman-Review

Formerly there was misguided honor among thieves, and even the Mafia had their own scurrilous code of conduct. Today everything in the halls of Congress is for sale. Sweetheart deals are arranged for pseudo-conservatives who hold out for billions.

Sens. Nelson and Landrieu are the epitome of unethical government lackeys. They are only the tip of the iceberg, as dishonesty appears to be an accepted congressional standard. The Constitution is passe and ignored in the headlong rush to effect total control and Marxist ideology on the masses.

One hundred dollars versus billions may be the only difference between the Chicken Ranch and our government offices. Regardless of the price, both parties are participants in the same vocation. Political bribery and extortion of tax dollars should be considered a criminal offense. Both parties to these kinds of backroom, surreptitious shenanigans should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Since when can our money be used to buy political results? Commoner grand larceny isn’t tolerated; therefore, why should politicians receive a pass? Servants should not be preferentially differentiated from the people they serve. No more incumbents or outrageous retirement benefits. Term limits and the firing of 535 is long overdue.

Tom Hayes
