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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Accuracy watch

The Spokesman-Review is committed to accuracy. If you think we have made an error, call (509) 459-5403 or e-mail editorforum@ Home delivery questions? Call (509) 747-4422

Wrong company

The company that provides the curriculum for East Valley School District’s online courses is Aventa. Because of a reporting error, the wrong company was listed in a story on Page 1 Monday.

Name misspelled

Nick Andrizzi’s name was misspelled in a photo caption on Page 1 Sunday because of a photographer’s error.

Men’s roles incorrect

Christopher R. Walinski, 25, is accused of robbing the Zip Trip at 3030 E. Euclid Ave. at gunpoint Sept. 29 while Justin J. Ellery, 24, waited in a car. Ellery is also accused of robbing the Papa John’s Sept. 28 at 920 W. Indiana Ave. An article Saturday incorrectly reported which of the men was implicated in each of the cases.