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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Baseball notebook: Jersey had Giant mistake

Associated Press

Maybe they left his shirt in “San Fran-cic-so.”

A Giant misspelling resulted in outfielder Eugenio Velez wearing a weird jersey Wednesday. Two letters were transposed in “Francisco.”

So when Velez made his season debut in the seventh inning during a double switch, his uniform read “San Francicso.” No one seemed to notice until well after the Giants’ 10-4 win over the Astros.

“No, no, I didn’t know,” Velez told the AP by cell phone from the team bus on the way to the airport. “That’s the first I’ve heard.”

Velez is in his fourth year with the Giants. He walked and scored the final run against the Astros.

His teammates’ jerseys were spelled correctly.

This was the second year in a row that a major league uniform spelled trouble.

Last April, Adam Dunn and Ryan Zimmerman of the Washington Nationals wore jerseys reading “Natinals” for three innings of a game.

Yankees top list

The New York Yankees are worth nearly twice as much as any other team in baseball, according to the annual estimates by Forbes magazine.

The Yankees were valued at $1.6 billion, Forbes said, up 7 percent from a $1.5 billion value last year.

Boston was next, going up 4 percent to $870 million and was followed by the New York Mets, who dropped 6 percent to $858 million.

Pittsburgh was last at $289 million, just below Oakland, which dropped 8 percent to $295 million.

Cubs tickets costly

It’s cheaper to sit in much of the lower deck at Yankee Stadium this year, with the Chicago Cubs overtaking New York and Boston for the highest-priced regular tickets in the major leagues.

Overall, the average cost of a non-premium ticket for a major league game is up 1.5 percent to $26.74, the Team Marketing Report said in its annual survey. The rise is the smallest since TMR started tracking baseball tickets in 1991.

Tickets at Wrigley Field for non-premium sections average $52.56 this season and Fenway Park is second at $52.32 following a 4.1 percent hike.

At Yankee Stadium, the average is $51.83, up 0.4 percent.