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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Murray begins fall race in Spokane

Incumbent senator lambastes rival on finance reform, taxes

Sen. Patty Murray stresses her support for programs in Eastern Washington and new financial regulations approved by Congress as she opens her general election campaign Thursday with a stump speech in Spokane.  (Jonathan Brunt)

Democratic U.S. Sen. Patty Murray on Thursday stressed her support for programs in Eastern Washington and new financial regulations approved by Congress as she opened her general election campaign Thursday with a speech in Spokane.

“I’m here to tell you Wall Street’s and big banks’ money cannot buy my vote now or any day ever. I will always fight for you,” she said in her 20-minute speech.

Murray criticized her Republican opponent, Dino Rossi, for his stance on the financial overhaul law. Rossi argues that the rules should be repealed, in part, because he says they will hurt small business.

Murray’s campaign has criticized Rossi’s position and has featured the issue in a TV commercial.

“He is promising to repeal Wall Street reform,” Murray said in her Spokane speech. “Maybe he thinks we should reward those who recklessly put our country in peril … but I say, not on my watch.”

Rossi spokeswoman Jennifer Morris said Rossi, who campaigned in Pullman on Thursday, believes the new rules don’t adequately reform financial institutions.

“The bottom line is, it should be repealed and replaced,” she said.

About 200 supporters attended the rally in West Central Community Center’s courtyard.

Murray also criticized Rossi’s stance on the extension of tax cuts that are set to expire this year. Murray has taken a stance similar to President Barack Obama’s, arguing that the tax cuts approved in 2001 and 2003 should remain in place only for individuals who earn less than $200,000 or for couples who earn less than $250,000.

“It really concerns me that Mr. Rossi says he wants us to take us back to the days of President Bush’s unpaid-for tax cuts. Unpaid for – for the rich. We’ve seen where that got us before – into a huge hole,” Murray told the crowd.

Rossi supports extending the tax cuts for everyone.

“At a time when our economy is struggling, I can’t imagine why Patty Murray and her colleagues in Congress would support a massive tax hike which hurt the small businesses we need to recover and start hiring Washington workers,” Rossi said in a statement on his website.