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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

‘Slow week’ for Valley firefighters

Spokane Valley firefighters enjoyed a quiet week with no major fires the week of Sept. 23-29. “Slow week,” said Bill Clifford, assistant fire marshal. “That’s good, though.”

The major events of the week were a vehicle engine compartment fire and a small brush fire behind the Valley YMCA. The brush fire was reported at 5:13 p.m. on Sept. 28, Clifford said. It was smaller than an acre. No one was in the area when firefighters responded and it’s thought that either children playing or a careless transient are to blame. Anyone with information on the fire can call the department at (509) 928-1700.

Only two people received minor injuries during the week due to car accidents. There were 160 EMS calls among the 192 total calls received.

Firefighters also responded to calls involving a child locked inside a car and a child with a hand stuck in a shopping cart at Other Mothers at 12609 E. Sprague Ave. on Sept. 23. “It looks like the child’s hand was freed by the time the fire department responded,” Clifford said.