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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

That’s News to you answers

Here are the answers to this week’s That’s News to You Quiz. For an online, interactive challenge – and a chance to win lunch for two at the Davenport Hotel’s Palm Court – try the longer quiz at

1. C. George W. Bush is the only person to win the presidency after winning the Iowa Straw Poll. His father won it in 1979, but Reagan was elected president; Pat Robertson won it in 1987, the year before George H.W. Bush won the White House. The straw poll isn’t held when incumbent GOP presidents are seeking re-election.

2. D. The state’s worst drought lasted through most of the 1950s and changed the demographics as so many farms and ranches went broke and people moved to the cities. The third worst was 1917-’18.

3. B. Thome hit No. 600 last week. Rodriguez is ahead of him but is currently on the disabled list. The other three are below him on the “all-time” list.

4. A. A capybara is a rodent that can grow to 100 pounds or more. Game officials said the barrel-shaped critter was probably someone’s pet that escaped or was released.

Last week’s winner

Linda Stanescu, of Sprague, Wash., was drawn from among five perfect scores.