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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

That’s News to you answers

Here are the answers for this week’s quiz. For a more challenging, interactive test, and a chance to win lunch for two at the Davenport, go online to

1. D. This year’s “F” name is Franklin. It formed earlier in August but never made landfall.

2. A. NASA has used robots for many tasks over the years, but Robonaut is the first one that is built in human form.

3. C. The Zehm case is the subject of both criminal prosecution and a civil lawsuit, but George McGrath was ejected by Council President Joe Shogan for calling the death a murder.

4. D. The workers were ordered to submit to drug tests after a supervisor found a bag of marijuana in a break area.

Last week’s winner

Thomas Reinlasoder, of Cheney.