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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

More migrating bison captured in Montana

Bison are being kept in a pen inside Yellowstone National Park near Gardiner, Mont., on Thursday. (Associated Press)

BILLINGS – Thirty-two more bison attempting to migrate from Yellowstone National Park have been captured to prevent the animals from spreading an animal disease to Montana livestock.

The bison were captured following a hazing operation Friday morning.

There are now 659 of the animals being held in compounds near Gardiner. About 40 percent have tested positive for exposure to brucellosis, which causes bison, elk and cattle to prematurely abort their young.

Most of the captured animals will be released in the spring.

Montana officials have vowed to let more migrating bison into areas just north of Yellowstone. But that plan is not yet fully in place and state veterinarian Marty Zaluski says that in the interim bison still face hazing and possible capture.

The park’s bison are prized for their pure genetics.