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Candidates share personal side

Iowa forum elicits emotions, few policy differences

GOP presidential candidates, from left, U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, Texas, U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, Minn., former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza Herman Cain and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich listen to moderator Frank Luntz during the forum Saturday in Des Moines, Iowa. (Associated Press)
Seema Mehta Los Angeles Times

DES MOINES, Iowa – A gathering of GOP presidential candidates on Saturday was unlike any other this year, when instead of finger-pointing and slashing at one another’s records, the rivals told deeply personal tales about faith, family and failures that left half of the six participants weeping.

Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum described how when his disabled daughter was born and expected to quickly die, he did not love her for her first 5 months to make her expected death less painful. Herman Cain choked up twice, talking about when he learned he had stage four cancer and the realization, looking back on his life, that he failed to spend enough time with his children.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich grew emotional when he described a close friend’s son who spent six years having a series of tumors removed from his brain, and also obliquely touched upon his history of infidelity when he described how he is happier now than before because of his faith.

“All of that has required a great deal of pain, some of which I have caused others, which I regret deeply,” he said. “All of that has required going to God to seek reconciliation, also to seek God’s acceptance that I had to recognize how limited I was and how much I had to depend on him.”

The emotional responses prompted moderator Frank Luntz to say, “I feel like Dr. Phil.”

The event at First Federated Church was put on by the Family Leader, an umbrella group of abortion and gay marriage opponents that have united to increase their clout in the 2012 Iowa caucuses. Nearly 3,000 religious leaders and conservative activists attended.

Outside the church, Occupy Des Moines protesters chanted. Inside, the event was Thanksgiving themed, with the six candidates and a moderator seated around a dining room table festooned with pumpkins.

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who is not popular among some evangelical voters, did not participate, nor did Jon Huntsman, the former Utah governor who is not competing in Iowa.

Those who did participate wove their speeches with biblical passages and told the audience how they accepted Christ as their savior.

Perry said when he joined the Air Force, “I was too busy for God,” but when he returned to Paint Creek, Texas, he was lost and unhappy.

“Something was missing out of my life. In every person’s heart, in every person’s soul, there is a hole that could be filled by the Lord Jesus Christ,” said the Texas governor, as a man in the crowd yelled “Amen!” “As a 27-year-old young man, that’s when I truly gave my life to Christ and it has made every day worth living.”

The candidates generally shared a worldview that loosening morals and the ouster of religion from the public sphere have contributed to the nation’s decline. Santorum said the sexual revolution and an anything-goes attitude has consequences.

“This is not our founders’ vision,” said the former Pennsylvania senator. “It’s a corruption of liberty. Our founders understood that liberty is not what you want to do but what you ought to do.”

Gingrich said the natural conclusion was the Occupy Wall Street protesters.

“The Occupy movement starts with the premise we all owe them everything,” said Gingrich, noting that the protesters are sleeping on property that is not theirs, using businesses’ restrooms and blocking people who are trying to get to work. “Go get a job right after you take a bath.”

Cain, a former corporate chief, said the faithful must be more aggressive in speaking their minds and not worry about the “political correctness police.”

“Those of us, people of faith, of strong faith have allowed non-faith elements to intimidate us into not fighting back. I believe we’ve been too passive,” he said.

Bachmann said the tax code should be amended so that church leaders don’t fear losing their tax-exempt status if they speak about politics.

“Probably the greatest amount of censorship today occurs in the pulpits of churches because we have a law that limits pastors from what they can say about politics in the pulpit,” said the Minnesota congresswoman. “That’s not the American way.”

There were few policy differences since they largely agree. But as usual, when there were differences, they typically involved Texas Rep. Ron Paul.

While the other candidates largely support a constitutional amendment to define marriage as between one man and one woman, Paul said he opposed such an effort and would prefer that government got out of the marriage business altogether.