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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

That’s NEWS to you

Did you follow the news last week? Prove it. And try a longer, interactive test (and a chance to win lunch for two at the Davenport Hotel) at spokesman. com/newsquiz.

1. In which state was the White House Christmas tree grown?

A. Oregon

B. North Carolina

C. Michigan

D. Pennsylvania

E. Wisconsin

2. There was a possible break in the case of a Spokane woman who has been missing since 1987. What was it?

A. Her purse was found.

B. Investigators realized her work locker had never been searched.

C. Bank records show someone accessed her safe-deposit box in the weeks after her disappearance.

D. Her vehicle was found.

E. The suspect in her disappearance was arrested on unrelated charges.

3. Which is not one of the state religions in the African country of Benin?

A. Christianity

B. Islam

C. Voodoo

D. Odinani

E. Can’t fool me. Benin doesn’t have state religions.

4. Nicaragua’s national police chief was training for what profession before revolt brought her back to the country?

A. Doctor

B. Flight attendant

C. Nun

D. Pilot

E. Teacher

5. Why was a German automotive executive arrested in Alabama?

A. Drunken driving

B. Trafficking cocaine

C. Auto theft

D. Illegal immigration

E. Can’t fool me. It was a Japanese executive.


your work

Find the answers, explanations and last week’s winner on Page B3.