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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Jim Kershner’s This day in history

From our archives, 100 years ago

Interstate Fair officials refused to close the fair on Sunday, the Sabbath day, and expressed themselves baffled about why some of Spokane’s ministers were threatening to boycott the fair.

1911 was the first year that fair officials decided to stay open for all seven days. The officials said they didn’t plan on having any of the raucous aspects of the fair open on Sunday.

“We did not contemplate having during that time any races or vaudeville features,” said the officials. “We expected to have no dancing shows or noisy concessions open Sunday.”

They said they were planning simply to open the agricultural and manufacturing exhibits, and present concerts by Ferullo’s Italian Band.

They said they merely wanted the give everyone a chance to see the education exhibits by daylight and listen to some good music.

“We are rather at a loss to understand the attitude of some of the ministers,” said the fair organizers.

From the smut beat: Meanwhile, a huge “anti-smut” campaign was under way in Pullman.

It was not what you think. It was a campaign to eradicate wheat smut disease.

Also on this date

From the Associated Press

1974: President Gerald R. Ford granted an unconditional pardon to former President Richard Nixon.