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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Mormons urge compassion for gays

Associated Press

SALT LAKE CITY – Mormon leaders made their most significant outreach yet to gays and lesbians, unveiling a new website Thursday that encourages church members to be more compassionate in discussions about homosexuality.

Church officials insist they haven’t changed the Mormon teaching that marriage is only between a man and a woman and that same-sex relationships are sinful. However, the website states that Mormons should be loving and respectful toward gays and lesbians, while appealing to gay and lesbian Mormons to stay in the church.

“Reconciling same-sex attraction with a religious life can present an especially trying dilemma,” church leaders wrote on the website. “Anyone who lives in both worlds can attest to its difficulty. But with faith, love and perspective, it can be done.”

The site, titled “Love One Another: A Discussion on Same-Sex Attraction,” states that it reflects the views of the highest authorities of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Church leaders say in the presentation that gay and lesbian Mormons who are not in same-sex relationships can have “full fellowship in the church,” including holding the priesthood and participating in temple rituals – a privilege reserved only for church members in good standing. And the church said it would no longer “necessarily advise” gays to “marry those of the opposite sex.”

“Same-sex attraction itself is not a sin, but yielding to it is,” the website states. “However, through repentance Jesus Christ will offer forgiveness.”