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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

That’s News to you answers

Here are the answers to the print edition of this week’s quiz.

1. B. Home sales went up in Spokane County in December 2011 compared to the previous December, to 204 from 184. But because of foreclosures and short sales, the average price declined 4.5 percent.

2. B. Former Sen. Rick Santorum won the nonbinding Missouri primary and caucuses in Minnesota and Colorado.

3. A. Ritzville is considering building a wheat-themed museum or interpretive center.

4. C. GU men’s basketball has an 11-year streak of winning or sharing the WCC title, which is on the line this year because of earlier losses to St. Mary’s and BYU.

5. E. All of those did happen, as the worst winter in decades swept across Europe, leaving more than 100 dead, villages stranded and dams bursting.

On the Web: Try your hand at the online version of our quiz at Entries with the top scores will be placed in a drawing for a $50 gift certificate to the Davenport Hotel. All online entries will be placed in two drawings, each for two tickets to the Spokane Golf Show.

Last week’s winners: Kim Lewis, of Post Falls, won the drawing among top entries for a $50 gift certificate to the Davenport, and Tim Qualls, of Coeur d’Alene, won the drawing from all contestants for two tickets to Saturday’s GU basketball game.