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Mormons apologize for baptism of Nazi hunter’s parents

Los Angeles Times

Simon Wiesenthal’s parents should not have been posthumously baptized, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has acknowledged. And this week, an official with the church apologized.

The uproar began last week when it was discovered that a member of the Mormon Church had submitted for posthumous baptism the names of Wiesenthal’s parents, and that the couple, Asher and Rosa Rapp Wiesenthal, were baptized by proxy last month.

Simon Wiesenthal, who died in 2005, was a Jewish rights advocate and a survivor of the Holocaust. He spent decades hunting down Nazis and bringing them to justice. The Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, established in 1977, is named after him.

The Mormon Church member, who is not being identified, used a genealogical database to submit the names for proxy baptism. Such baptisms have proved controversial in the past, and the latest incident was certainly no exception.

“We are outraged that such insensitive actions continue in the Mormon Temples,” the Wiesenthal center’s associate dean, Abraham Cooper, said in a statement last week. “Throughout his life, Simon Wiesenthal especially revered his beloved mother who was deported and murdered at Belzec death camp in 1942. Such actions make a mockery of the many meetings with the top leadership of the Mormon Church dating back to 1995.”

In a statement to the Salt Lake Tribune on Monday, the church was quick to apologize. “We consider this a serious breach of our protocol, and we have suspended indefinitely this person’s ability to access our genealogy records,” said spokesman Scott Trotter.

Posthumous baptisms are when members of the Mormon Church believe that people retain the right to make choices in their afterlife, including accepting a baptism. In a posthumous baptism, church members stand in for the deceased and are baptized on their behalf.