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Submit your favorite dishes ‘In the Kitchen’

From Staff Reports

Great-grandma’s sugar pie. Grandpa’s tamales. Mom’s gingerbread. Dad’s sloppy joes.

Whether the recipe came from a relative, the Old Country or a faded 3-by-5 card, you’ve made it tons of times. It’s tried and true, a real crowd-pleaser, a recipe you’ve tested, tasted and have made again. And again. And again.

The Spokesman-Review’s Food section wants the recipe.

Not only that, but Food editor Adriana Janovich wants you to show her how you make that special dish or dessert for a new feature called “In the Kitchen with … .” Submit the measurements, ingredients and instructions – along with 500 words or fewer describing the recipe and its importance – and your name could be inserted in that space.

Maybe it’s your signature dish, the one your family can count on you to bring for Thanksgiving, Christmas or Easter. Maybe it’s the friend-favorite at backyard barbecues or cookouts at the lake, beach or park.

It could be an award-winning recipe you entered in a contest. It can be something you’ve adapted. And there’s no limit to how many recipes a reader can submit. But recipes should be unpublished and tested in your home kitchen, preferably repeatedly.

They should also be original. Don’t copy and paste recipes out of an existing cookbook, blog or website. If you’ve adjusted an existing recipe, making it your own with significant modifications, be sure to give credit to the source of the original recipe.

List ingredients, measurements and instructions, making a point to be as clear and specific as possible. In a few short paragraphs, explain what you love about the recipe, how you came across or adapted it, when you usually prepare and serve it, and anything else that makes it especially meaningful to you.

Chefs, restaurateurs and other food industry professionals are welcome to participate along with home cooks, foodies, culinary students and anyone else who has favorite, reliable recipes that they don’t want to keep secret.

Send your submissions to Spokesman-Review Food editor Adriana Janovich at or P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA, 99210-1098