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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

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The Bard of Sherman Avenue: In memoriam

We’ve long admired the work of The Bard of Sherman Avenue, the anonymous poet who graced Dave Oliveria’s “Huckleberries” column for 14 years. In February, it was revealed the author was Tom Wobker, who had retired to Spokane after living in Post Falls and working in Coeur d’Alene. On Saturday, he died of cancer.

To commemorate his sly, unassuming wit, here are some of his political verses.

“Political Debates” (Feb. 14): “Old Uncle Harry often states/he’s not a fan of those debates:/With all their posturing and hasslin’,/they’re pretty much like TV wrasslin’.”

“Ransom Note from Malheur Wildlife Refuge” (Jan. 31): “We have kidnapped your birds/and we won’t give them back/till you meet our demands,/plus you send us a snack.”

“Spooky Time of Year” (Nov. 8, 2015): “Two things this month/for which we’ll pay:/Black Friday and/Election Day.”

In a similar vein, he wrote “Spooks - 2004” (Nov. 1, 2004): “Some vampires who prowl,/I think we should note,/Want more than your blood –/They are after your vote.”

After the Spokane City Council passed an ordinance designating a dress code for cab drivers, he wrote “Council Praises” (March 2, 2003): “Since loud complaints are often heard/It’s fair to put in this good word:/Without great leaders such as these/We’d have to look at cabbies’ knees.”

“That winter’s near/you can’t deny/when studded snows/start clicking by” (“Like the First Robin of Spring”) Nov. 4, 2012

“Expect hot air / To blow our way / From now until / Election Day” (”Extended Forecast”) July 29, 2012

“To spend all the money/the President wishes/we’ll need one more feat like/the loaves and the fishes” (“Lord, Please Send Us A Budget Miracle”) March 6, 2011

“Begging for alms from/Congress and voters,/henceforward known as /Lieutenant Motors” (“Reduced In Rank”). April 5, 2009

“These silent soldiers paid the price /Of duty’s greatest sacrifice /Please lead them beside still water /And bless our fallen sons and daughter” (“Prayer After War”). May 18, 2003

“Patriot Act” (Sept. 17, 2003): “Osama from his dusty cave/Continues with his jihad rave. /In D.C., they all get the frights /And toss out half our bill of rights.”

“Iraq Prayer” (March 23, 2003): “God bless our troops with gentle grace /And keep them safe in that far place. /Bless too those innocents who dwell/In fear they’re on the edge of hell.”

Tom Wobker was a man of few words who had a lot to say. May he rest in peace.