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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Sewage dumping in Puget Sound could be halted under proposed regulation

In this  2015 file photo, an orca whale breaches in view of Mount Baker in the Puget Sound. (Elaine Thompson / Associated Press)
Associated Press

SEATTLE – A new rule proposed by the state Department of Ecology would prevent vessels from dumping raw or partially treated sewage in Puget Sound.

The Seattle Times reported that the regulation would require any vessel with a permanent toilet to store its waste until it could be pumped ashore. Boats can currently dump raw sewage in Puget Sound if they are 3 miles from shore. Partially treated sewage can be dumped overboard from anywhere, even at the dock.

But the ecology department’s Northwest Regional Director, Josh Baldi, said onboard treatment systems aren’t sufficient and the sewage could make people sick.

Baldi said there is a five-year grace period for tugs, commercial vessels and even some National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries vessels to make the changes necessary to meet the new standards.