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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Reader photo: Pure ‘serendipity’

It was what Jackie McNeel called a “serendipity event.” (Jackie McNeel / Courtesy)

It was what Jackie McNeel called a “serendipity event.”

McNeel and her husband, Jack, were at Higgens Point in Coeur d’Alene in December watching the annual migration of bald eagles. McNeel said she didn’t “have one of those monster lenses,” so after shooting for a while she “gave up” and put her DSLR away.

She sat on a bench while her husband continued to photograph the birds. That’s when she noticed a tree near the bench where she was sitting.

“Wouldn’t it be cool if an eagle came and sat in that tree?” McNeel remembers thinking.

An eagle did just that. Not able to get her larger camera, McNeel only had a small point-and-shoot available. But the bird was so close she had to “lay down on the bench” just to get it in the frame.

Web extra: Submit your own outdoors-related photographs for a chance to be published in our weekly print edition and browse our archive of past reader submissions online at

Correction: Higgens Point was misspelled in an earlier version of this story. It has been corrected.