Lawmakers have ‘whipped up on’ last few ITD directors
Here's a link to my full story at on today's firing of Idaho Transportation Director Pam Lowe, something that's been the topic of rumor for months but became reality today. ITD Board Chairman Darrell Manning, asked about Lowe's comments today, said, "Considering that she's considering her legal options, I don't think I'd better say anything. ... There's a letter that will go to her that has all of the particulars, and it's a legal privileged document," which he said means he won't discuss what's in it. As far as his asking her to resign on May 11 after receiving only positive performance reviews, Manning said, "That's pretty much the case." He added, "The last review was in the process of being done when the board started that action, that was in April." Lowe's final performance review never was completed by the board, he said.
Sen. Chuck Winder, R-Boise, who served as ITD board chairman for 11 years, told Eye on Boise this spring that he's long seen legislators' ire aimed at the ITD director when there are concerns about transportation. "They are a lightning rod," he said. "They've whipped up on the last two or three." Said Winder, "Some of 'em are valid, some of 'em are political, and some are just ways to try not to address the funding for ITD."