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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Eye On Boise

Otter: Need public’s help on budget cuts

Gov. Butch Otter today launched an "efficiency" Web site aimed at laying out the state's budget and soliciting money-saving ideas from citizens. "We need your help. Government does not have a monopoly on good ideas," Otter wrote in the site's introduction. "There are hundreds of thousands of smart, thoughtful and civic-minded people in Idaho with constructive and useful insights on what State government should do, what it can do better, and what it shouldn’t do at all. We want to hear from you. Some changes made at the agency level already are making a difference – travel restrictions, more use of video-teleconferencing and other available technologies, more consolidating of responsibilities, leaving job vacancies unfilled, and even such things as reducing the use of paper and other office supplies. But more needs to be done."

The site offers a view of the total dollars going to each agency or budget area, along with links to more detailed information. Next to each broad budget area, such as natural resources, economic development, or state revenue, viewers are solicited to send in their money-saving ideas for that area.

Eye On Boise

News, happenings and more from the Idaho Legislature and the state capital.