Here's a news item from the Associated Press: POCATELLO, Idaho (AP) — Faculty members at Idaho State University have elected new leaders in a shake-up endorsed by the state Board of Education. The board voted in February to dissolve the university's previous Faculty Senate, which…
The continued popularity of blue-and-orange Boise State Broncos gear will result in $700,000 for scholarships to BSU this year, the university announced today. "It's been growing," said Mike Reed, BSU bookstore director, with the biggest jump coming in 2007 when Boise State's football wowed the…
Idahoans for Responsible Education Reform, the group backing referendum measures on all three major school reform bills that passed this year, has announced it's nearly halfway to its goal of collecting 60,000 signatures on each of the three petitions. The required number is just under…
Strong tax revenues in April, the biggest month of the year, could mean Idaho's public schools will get up to a $55 million one-time boost at the end of this fiscal year on July 1 - an amount that exceeds the $47 million cut state…
Here's another oddity in the megaloads case: Throughout the contested-case hearing on the proposed 200-plus Imperial Oil/ExxonMobil megaloads, there's been confusion as to whether the proposal calls for just one megaload to be on the road in Idaho on any one night, or three. The…
Idaho's state tax revenues for April, the biggest revenue month of the year, backed a more optimistic view of Idaho's economy than lawmakers and Gov. Butch Otter used to set this year's state budget, meaning schools could get back some of the state funds that…
Conservative Idaho might not seem like the most fertile ground for a medical marijuana movement, but supporters have launched an initiative drive that could change the terms of the debate. The reason: 74 percent of Idahoans say they support allowing "terminally and seriously ill patients…
A contested-case hearing over plans for hundreds of giant megaloads of oil equipment to travel through a scenic Idaho river canyon will stretch into its third week next week, after a full day of testimony today. Among the issues that have surfaced over the past…
The Public Employee Retirement System of Idaho has announced that it's now 91.7 percent funded, as of April 29, up from 78.9 percent at the end of the last fiscal year, June 30, 2010; the preferred standard for such plans is to be at least…
The much-awaited state tax revenue figures for April - the biggest month of the year - are in, and the news is good. April tax revenues beat forecasts by $14 million, putting the state's tax revenue to date for the fiscal year $74.2 million above…
Senior Judge Thomas G. Nelson of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit has died at age 74 at his Boise home; click here for a full announcement from the court. Nelson was named to the Court of Appeals by President George H.W.…
A "test module" for proposed megaloads on U.S. Highway 12 in north-central Idaho that made it into Montana this week took weeks to arrive and caused a five-hour power outage and hour-long traffic delay along the way, but state transportation officials and Imperial Oil/ExxonMobil are…
The Idaho Department of Fish & Game has started selling wolf tags for a fall hunt, at a cost of $11.50 for Idaho resident hunters and $186 for non-residents, including vendor fees. A valid 2011 Idaho hunting license is required to buy a tag; they're…
Idaho state Superintendent of Schools Tom Luna announced today that he's expanding the 28-member technology task force that will oversee implementation of his "Students Come First" tech plan to add seven additional members - two parents, three local school board members, and two "at-large" members.…
A federal jury in Boise has returned its verdict, and North Idaho lawyer Edgar Steele has been convicted on all four counts in a murder-for-hire plot. You can read S-R reporter Meghann Cuniff's full story here at
The AP reports that two lawsuits have been filed today in U.S. District Court challenging the congressional legislation that de-listed wolves as unconstitutional. Here's the item from AP in Billings: BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — Environmental groups are challenging as unconstitutional Congressional legislation that took gray…
Boise State University is receiving the largest charitable gift in the university's nearly 80-year history: A $13 million donation from Micron Technology to the College of Engineering to start a Ph.D program in materials science and engineering. Steve Appleton, Micron CEO, said, “A doctorate program…
Here's a news item from the Associated Press: BOISE, Idaho (AP) — A global pharmaceutical company has agreed to pay Idaho $47,000 to settle a fraud lawsuit over a prescription drug for treating multiple sclerosis. Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden announced the settlement Wednesday. Idaho's…
In a joint statement, Idaho's congressional delegation praised the Interior Department's move today to delist wolves, as directed by legislation crafted in party by Idaho Rep. Mike Simpson. “No one can rationally argue that the Rocky Mountain gray wolf is still endangered," Simpson said. "Wolf…
Defenders of Wildlife has issued a statement in response to the de-listing of wolves in the Northern Rockies at congressional direction, calling it "a terrible precedent for side-stepping America's bedrock environmental laws whenever it's politically convenient to do so." Suzanne Stone, Northern Rockies representative for…
Idaho Gov. Butch Otter, answering reporters' questions at a ceremonial bill-signing ceremony in Greenleaf today, said, “Not more than 20 minutes ago, I received word from Secretary Salazar that wolves will be delisted tomorrow. When we knew that Congressman Simpson and Congressman Rehberg from Montana…
Now that wolves are once again being removed from Endangered Species Act protections, Idaho Fish & Game Director Virgil Moore says the state is gearing up for a fall wolf hunting season and will move immediately to reduce wolf numbers in the Lolo zone. The…
The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service has announced it's reinstating its 2009 decision to remove the gray wolf in the Northern Rocky Mountains from the endangered species list - a decision that affects Idaho, Montana, and parts of Oregon, Washington and Utah, but excludes Wyoming,…
The "test validation module" for more than 200 megaloads proposed for U.S. Highway 12 by Imperial Oil/ExxonMobil reached Montana this morning, the Idaho Transportation Department reports. The test shipment left milepost 169.1 on the road at three minutes after midnight, and reached the top of…
Here's a link to my full story at on how cabin owners on state land at Priest and Payette lakes scored a surprise win in court today, as a district judge in Boise indicated he'll issue an order to freeze the rents they pay…