Public hearing gets under way on child support bill
The joint hearing of the House and Senate Judiciary committees is getting under way in the Lincoln Auditorium, where more than 30 people have signed up to testify. Senate Judiciary Chair Patti Anne Lodge, R-Huston, who is presiding, said this piece of legislation – HB 1, the child support enforcement bill – has been studied more than any piece of legislation she’s seen in her legislative career. House Judiciary Chair Rich Wills, R-Glenns Ferry, introduced state Health & Welfare Director Dick Armstrong to present the bill.
Armstrong began with an introduction to Idaho’s child support enforcement services. “These services apply only to financial support,” he said. “The Department of Health & Welfare does not enforce custody or visitation orders.” The purpose of the system, he said, is to “ensure both parents are financially and medically responsible for their children.”