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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Daily Briefing

No swear jar, so news meetings are really interesting

Folks could safely talk about... weather? It's not a long enough summer, they said, then again it could be a whole lot worse, it could be Memphis at 112 degrees and 112% humidity.

Memphis would be a "good place to grow marijuana," said reporter Kevin Graman.

"Or... watermelon," should you be so inclined, features editor Ken Paulman said.

Also, editors safely accused sports editor Joe Palmquist of being "a snob," for reasons unrelated to weather.

Coming up

• A story about cold medicine, held from yesterday, about how you're not supposed to give it to your very small children.

Arlin Jordin is under house arrest at his parents' house. And perhaps if you're Arlin Jordin, being under house arrest at Mom's house after last year's conviction must be *particularly* pleasant.

• There's a national bulldog show in town, including competitions, vendors and such.

Bulldogs smell though, city editor Addy Hatch said, and they drool.

Photo director Larry Reisnouer had a bulldog when he was in his 20s. The dog liked to lie around and stay in the car, became a good conversation piece, and was sort of a "chick magnet."

He lost the dog in a poker game.

"Your son wasn't available?" Graman asked.

Each weekday morning and afternoon, the newsroom staff meets to discuss the coverage plan. This blog covers editors' discussions, upcoming coverage and miscellaneous newsroom news.