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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Daily Briefing

Kudos, helium shortage, et cetera

Amnesty week is over, and city editor Addy Hatch made the first jarworthy comment today.


Faith Ranks No. 1, about the WSU football player observing Ramadan.
Yodeling cowboy (guy from the Yahoo! commercial), and a second video, Yodeling lesson from yodeling cowboy

• So what happens to the trash volunteer in the photo when the can gets full? Does it spill out? Kudos to these volunteers, business editor Alison Boggs said- "That's devotion."

(Ingrid Barrentine photo)


• Due to a production error, the Tuesday puzzles got switched with the Monday's. The Monday puzzles will run tomorrow. You can download them all right here:

Jumble | NY Times crossword | Tribune crossword | Horoscope

• Saturday's Pia Hansen column was missing her photo and byline. It appeared in the centerpiece spot on Saturday's Northwest section.

Coming up

The folks in business are following a story about a helium shortage. Which is interesting because it makes you wonder where helium comes from, and where it's going (Do you have to mine for it? Are helium thieves running around with high-pitched voices?) MRIs also involve helium.

Editors narrowed it down to "He" as the element's symbol, but managing editor Gary Graham made a brief reference to the Periodic Table having 92 elements.

Maybe when he was in school, other editors said.

The Periodic Table has 118, some of the last ones added pretty recently. Helium appears at #2.

Each weekday morning and afternoon, the newsroom staff meets to discuss the coverage plan. This blog covers editors' discussions, upcoming coverage and miscellaneous newsroom news.