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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

The Eco-Traveler

Order Organic

Having difficulty finding organic meat at your grocery store? Want to widen your selection of meats and poultry? Just plain busy or too lazy to trek to the market?
Blackwing Quality Meats is the online provider for you. This Illinois-based company raises organic meat and poultry products in a completely free range environment. Their animals are antibiotic, hormone and growth additive free, and no pesticides are used in their feed. The animals are left to graze on open ranges, and then are fed alfalfa, flax, and vitamins and minerals. Their Piedmont beef is fed a combination of barley, sweat peas, alfalfa and flax. Beef and bison are raised in Canada, the chicken is raised in Wisconsin and Michigan, and all of their feed is raised on their own farms so they can regulate farming techniques and be sure to carry out their promise of all-natural products.
In addition to being healthier for you, the calorie count is lower and the food tastes better than the non-organic variety. And Blackwing carries a wide range of choice. Their poultry offerings include chicken (your choice of patty, thigh or breast, bone-in, boneless, skin-on, skinless, etc.), turkey (in two sizes), quail (pharaoh or semi-boneless), Muscovy duck, guinea hen and pheasant.
For red meats, they carry ostrich, elk, bison, venison, lamb, and beef. I swear by the ostrich filet (it's like a filet mignon in flavor and tenderness), but wasn't impressed with the ostrich ranch steaks.
They also offer walnut burgers (a delicious and filling vegetarian alternative), bison hides and organic pet food.
Be sure to read their shipping policies to figure out when to place your order. As the shipping is time sensitive, they only fulfill orders on certain days of the week (as determined by delivery days). For example, an order placed on a Friday will not be sent to their warehouse for fulfillment until the following Monday so your meat will not be sitting in transit on Sunday. Packing with a combination on ice packs and dry ice gives you roughly a three day delivery window and ensures your order arrives in good condition. I ordered using standard shipping, and my package o' meat arrived less than a week after I placed the order, in perfect form.
All in all, I would recommend Blackwing to anyone interested in trying something new or is looking for a supplier of quality organic meats. And the fact that it's delivered right to my front door doesn't hurt, either.
Check out their website at

The Eco-Traveler

Through The Eco-Traveler blog, Andrea Shearer shares her experiences of international adventure travel, volunteering and SCUBA diving with a commitment to protecting our environment. In the next few months, Andrea will bring her blog closer to home while exploring the natural environment and adventure activities the Midwest has to offer, and will go international again with a volunteer expedition to Nicaragua over the winter holidays. You can reach her at