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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883



Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton winks at British Foreign Secretary William Hague after he addressed a Security Council meeting on the situation in Syria on Tuesday. (Associated Press)

Hair-brain comments?

Hillary Clinton received a great deal of attention yesterday…not for anything she said in Bangladesh as Secretary of State, but instead for the state of her appearance. She wore her glasses, no make-up and had this to say when comments were made: “I feel so…

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TUESDAY, MAY 8, 2012

Max Records stars in “Where the Wild Things Are.” Warner Bros. (Warner Bros. / The Spokesman-Review)

Maurice Sendak

Maurice Sendak, children’s book author and illustrator, died early today. He was 83. His work entertained and delighted children. He once said his illustrations for “Where the Wild Things Are” were taken from his relatives – the less attractive and rather unpleasant ones. “Sendak also…

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SUNDAY, MAY 6, 2012

American Flag

Holding our breath…again 

It has been 15 months since my nephew arrived home from a one-year tour of duty in Iraq. Tomorrow his brother leaves for a nine-month stint in Afghanistan. I have three sisters, no brothers. And among us we have 10 sons, no daughters. And our…

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A gentleman rapper...farewell

I am from the Beach Boys era, not the Beastie Boys, but I could not help noticing all the attention the death of Beastie Boy Adam Yauch has received in the last 24 hours. The trio was recently inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall…

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Consequences, still

Our Boomer lifestyle choices, discontinued decades ago, may still influence our health. A report from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention reveals the “number of baby boomers dying from a ‘silent epidemic’ of hepatitis C infections is increasing so rapidly that federal officials are…

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TUESDAY, MAY 1, 2012

Even the french fry got a little healthier when the federal government required food labels to list the amount of trans fat. In a large order of McDonald’s french fries, trans fat dropped from 71/4 grams to zero and saturated fat went from 5  1/2  grams to 3  1/2  grams.  (File Associated Press)

Do you want fries with that habit, Sister?

U.S. Catholic, a monthly publication discussing, reviewing, contemporary issues among Catholics, has commented frequently on the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith’s investigation of American women religious (sisters, nuns). A current commentary on their weekly bulletin gives readers a chance to read the details…

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SUNDAY, APRIL 29, 2012

Sister Rosalie Locati, director of mission and values for Providence Sacred Heart and Providence Holy Family hospitals, stands beside Ken Spiering’s sculpture in Riverfront Park. It commemorates the arrival of the Sisters of Providence, who built Sacred Heart on the banks of the Spokane River in 1886. Locati is the only Sister of Providence still working full time at Sacred Heart Medical Center. (Jesse Tinsley)


What a week to live in Washington state! The Seattle archbishop is trying to upend the same-sex marriage law signed by our (Catholic) governor in Washington state and now Rome has set forth an investigation into the work of thousands of American Roman Catholic sisters…

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Carol Willette’s 8th birthday party in November 1962. She’s in front of the cake with her hand on her cheek. Cleda Sweetland is on the left side of the photo with the bow in her hair and a watch on her wrist.

Now it all makes sense…

I always put the release date in my calendar for new books by my favorite writers. On Tuesday writer Anna Quindlen’s new book, Lots of Candles, Plenty of Cake, hit the stores. I had to be at work before the book store opens (I have…

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Though just about any puppy can be considered cute, a little research can help you figure out which breed will be the right fit for your family. (The Spokesman-Review)

The power of one...puppy

You don’t think one creature can make a BIG difference in your day? Enjoy the power of this little puppy who stopped air traffic and complied with the FAA once she was reunited with his owner. (S-R archives photo)

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SUNDAY, APRIL 22, 2012

ORG XMIT: BX101 ** FILE ** In this May 17, 2005, file photo, Julie, front left, and Hillary Goodridge pose with other gay couples and supporters as they celebrate their first wedding anniversary in Boston. The couple, who led the legal fight for Massachusetts to become the first state to legalize same-sex marriages, filed for divorce Thursday, Jan. 29, 2009.  (AP Photo/Elise Amendola, File) (Elise Amendola / The Spokesman-Review)

No, thanks, we’re a family

At 8:30 this morning I opened the Tacoma paper to read a story about Referendum-74 which seeks to repeal the Marriage Equality Act by putting it on the November ballot. Signatures are needed to put the recently passed legislation to the people’s vote. Seattle Archbishop…

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A computer-generated graphic provided by NASA shows images of objects in Earth orbit that are currently being tracked. (Associated Press)

Mobilize the Earth

Before you require a green burial as referenced in Becky’s post, see what you can do to save our planet from all our own foolishness. Checkout the website of activities you can do to make a difference and if you are in the Washington, D.C.…

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Sister Rosalie Locati, director of mission and values for Providence Sacred Heart and Providence Holy Family hospitals, stands beside Ken Spiering’s sculpture in Riverfront Park. It commemorates the arrival of the Sisters of Providence, who built Sacred Heart on the banks of the Spokane River in 1886. Locati is the only Sister of Providence still working full time at Sacred Heart Medical Center. (Jesse Tinsley)

What would Jesus think of it all? 

A report was released today criticizing the lives of American Catholic sisters. After reading the report, I think Jesus would want to have a conversation with the Vatican regarding their view that the members of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (nuns) in the United…

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MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2012

The first Sisters of Providence in the West were, seated from left, Praxedes of Providence; Mother Joseph; Mary of the Precious Blood. Standing from left, Vincent de Paul; Blandine of the Holy Angels. 
 (Colin Mulvany / The Spokesman-Review)

Happy Birthday, Mother Joseph!

She is recognized in our state’s capitol building as one of our most important pioneers and today is her birthday…she was born April 16, 1823. Mother Joseph arrived in the Pacific Northwest on December 8, 1856, by boat, along with four other sisters from Montreal.…

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SUNDAY, APRIL 15, 2012

A large tornado sweeps through Limestone County, south of Athens, Ala., near Stewart Road, Wednesday afternoon, April 27, 2011. (Gary Jr / The Decatur Daily)

In the blink of an eye...

.. eye of a tornado, life can change. The people in Kansas have given thanks for their lives as their homes and possessions flew away. Boeing and Spirit AeroSystems lost property as well as mobile home owners. Wichita’s losses alone are estimated at $283 million.…

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FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 2012

A loaf of challah bread, a traditional Jewish egg bread woven with several long pieces of dough, cools after being removed from an oven at Temple Beth Shalom.  (Photos by Jesse Tinsley / The Spokesman-Review)

Symbols of life and love

My grandma used to say, “I have never seen a hearse with a U-Haul behind it!” That statement was grandma’s way of saying that you can’t take your stuff with you to the afterlife. However, our possessions can represent what does matter: family, relationships and…

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Chester Cornett's "Crucifix," left, Lonnie Holley's "9-11, the Cable that Snapped Before They Saved Me," second from left, Jesse Aaron's "Crucifixion," second from right, and Hawkin Bolden's "Untitled (Crucifixion)" are on display during the press preview of the exhibit titled "Coming Home! Self-Taught Artists, the Bible and the American South," Tuesday in New York. 
 (Associated Press / The Spokesman-Review)

Holy Week Journey

I spent last week on the East Coast with singing children. The choir sang at various monuments in and around Washington, DC. Then we went on to New York. The two most poignant moments: singing at Walter Reed Medical Center in Maryland. The kids sang,…

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J&D's Foods, of Seattle, has introduced the Bacon Coffin.  (J&D's Foods )

Really? Only in the USA

We all have vague plans for our after-life: cremation, burial, don't care - let others figure it out. But when I read this story, I had to wonder about misplaced affection. My grandmother said she had never seen a hearse driving to the cemetery with…

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Coffee berries grow on a tree in the highlands of Jamaica’s Blue Mountains. (Associated Press)

Yes, no, good, bad…what to eat, drink?

Coffee, alcohol, dark chocolate…you name the substance and there is a study which indicates that substance’s health-enhancing properties or its contribution to your demise. In Dr. Alisa Hideg's column today, Dr. Hideg advises readers how to dig into these various studies and their claims. She…

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MONDAY, MARCH 26, 2012

Interim Spokane police Chief Scott Stephens mingles with the crowd at Riverfront Park during Mayor David Condon’s swearing-in ceremony on Dec. 30. (Dan Pelle)

Armed and...ill

Many times when police encounter an armed person, that person is looking for a way to die – and want the cops to kill them. The phenomenon is so common it even has a name: suicide by cop. It happens in about 10-20 per cent…

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FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2012

President Barack Obama on Monday unveiled his $3.8 trillion budget for the fiscal year starting Oct. 1. (Associated Press)

Justice - now!

His smile and innocence captured my heart. The story will not fade from my mind. The young man who was killed in cold blood in Florida deserves justice. Will President Obama’s comment – that Trayvon Martin looks like he could be a child of President…

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EndNotes: EndTimes

Noted theologian, Elaine Pagels has a new book out on the book of Revelation – that last book included in the New Testament. You know that book – with apocalyptic images of death, destruction, violence. And The Beast marked with the number 666. For years…

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Jack Hughes, 18-months-old, is rescued from Santa's lap at Riverpark Square Thursday, Dec. 24, 2009 by his mother Elizabeth, center, and father Liam, right.  Elizabeth admits to being afraid of Santa and crying when she was a child. (Jesse Tinsley / The Spokesman-Review)

Invisible grief

Today's EndNotes column addresses the issue of infertility and the grief it brings to those who long to become parents. So many people want to have children and seek avenues to get to parenthood. Take a moment to learn what you may do to support…

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MONDAY, MARCH 19, 2012

Voletta Bonner, 29, of Highland Park, Mich., poses for a portrait with her 2-month-old baby Riley Johnson. Voletta had decided that breast-feeding was something she was going to do before the birth of her child. She was very happy with the support she received from the staff at St. John Hospital in Detroit. (McClatchy-Tribune)

The cost of a healthy life

What’s the deal? We know that women make most of the health care decisions in a family. (I once told my sister, if I die young she is to make certain my husband gets our son to the dentist every six months…it goes on from…

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An Afghan man watches his pigeons after feeding them in Kabul, Afghanistan,  Thursday, March 8, 2012. (Anja Niedringhaus / Associated Press)

Military tragedy, our tragedy 

The sad news out of Afghanistan makes one ask all kinds of questions: what is the U.S. military really doing in that country? What is the benchmark for “success” and our departure? What happened to the soldier, a father and husband, that caused him to…

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MONDAY, MARCH 12, 2012

FILE-A couple kiss each other during a snowfall in Florence, Italy, late Wednesday, Dec. 28, 2005. (Lorenzo Galassi / Associated Press)

Vasari's code? DaVinci's masterpiece?

As a person who once lived a fairy-tale year in Florence, Italy, I love to hear news from that city. It feels like news from home. So when the Associated Press reported that perhaps the hunt has ended for DaVinci’s unfinished mural titled “Battle of…

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Spokesman-Review features writer Rebecca Nappi, along with writer Catherine Johnston of Olympia, Wash., discuss here issues facing aging boomers, seniors and those experiencing serious illness, dying, death and other forms of loss.