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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Huckleberries Online

Peanut Gallery (Hagadone Gardens)


I dont think that the addition of Front street as part of the Haga-plan should come as a surprise to anyone. To be honest, I think it was in their plan all along but they didnt reveal it until now because they thought if they came out with it at the beginning people would have really been against it. The citizens would have thought it was just too much. Do you think Hagadone is really concerned about the safety of the pedestrians on Front Street?

I think what people really have to do is separate the plan from the planner. I know that is real difficult to do. They need to ask themselves will this plan benefit the citizens of Coeur d Alene? Yes, I think it will. It will bring more tourists to Coeur d Alene which will increase business, which will increase taxes collected from outside sources, which will allow the local economy to grow. When the economy grows, we all benefit. But the parking and traffic issues need to be examined and planned very carefully. In addition to the growth in the economy we will have a beautiful area to enjoy right in our backyard. A stroll downtown thru the garden and down by the water would be great! A chance to get away from the stresses of life.

On the flipside, will this benefit Hagadone financially? Of course! He wouldnt do it if it didnt. That is really hard for alot of people to swallow. This guy flaunts his yacht,his jet, his helicopter, his multi-million dollar homes in everyones faces and for mom and dad living in mid-town who at times have more month left than paycheck it makes them sick. Especially considering that this cheap skate cut out the retirement match for his employees because business was down a little bit. However distasteful it is to see this plan put more money in his pocket, I think we need to look past that and think of what will benefit the city in the long run and this project would be a great addition.

Eagle Eye

Huckleberries Online

D.F. Oliveria started Huckleberries Online on Feb. 16, 2004. Oliveria's Sunday print Huckleberries is a past winner of the national Herb Caen Memorial Column contest.