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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

SATURDAY, FEB. 18, 2006

HBO -- to Side Note re: Name Change

Side Note: "Okey dokey, I'll be the first. I am thinking of changing my name hear at Huckleberries. I plan to remain anonymous, though I'm not too sure how anonymous I have remained. If anyone out there would care to offer input I'd appreciate it,…

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HBO -- to Mary Souza re: Internet Dangers

Mary Souza: "So, to change the subject a bit, how about some legislation to protect our kids from porn on the internet? Oprah had quite an expose about webcams and sexual preditors on her show yesterday--which I rarely watch, but this one was very informative.…

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HBO -- to Side Note re:

Side Note: "Well, I've certainly seen a shift here. There seems to be less of a religious tone. Could have something to do with the comments also. There used to be more conservative commenters that didn't avoid drawing their faith into the discussion. Seems now…

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Huckleberries Online

D.F. Oliveria started Huckleberries Online on Feb. 16, 2004. Oliveria's Sunday print Huckleberries is a past winner of the national Herb Caen Memorial Column contest.