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Huckleberries Online

Eye Opener: What Do You Think Of McCain?

What do you think of John McCain?/WorldNetDaily

1. He's a bona fide war hero and a proven leader
2. He's an independent thinker who's not beholden to his political party or special interests
3. Whatever his faults, he's solid as a rock on the war on terror and that's the most important issue we face
4. He's strong on defense and consistently pro-life – that's good enough for me
5. Despite his maverick persona, he's a warmonger and Washington-insider hack
6. He's a dangerous neocon worse than Bush
7. His notorious temper and perverse penchant for siding against conservatives make him a bad choice for Republicans
8. Whatever his qualifications and experience, he's simply too old to lead this country until 2013
9. He's not a conservative unless you compare him to Clinton or Obama
10. He's a liberal, plain and simple – he even received the New York Times' endorsement

For the WorldNetDaily news report, click here.

Huckleberries Online

D.F. Oliveria started Huckleberries Online on Feb. 16, 2004. Oliveria's Sunday print Huckleberries is a past winner of the national Herb Caen Memorial Column contest.