Hart: Just Say No To Full-Body Scanners

A Transportation Security Administration (TXA) agent, right, scans airline passenger Kelsi Dunbar, using X-ray technology that can see through people's clothes and show the body's contours with blush-inducing clarity at Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix. (AP File Photo/The Arizona Republic, Jack Kurtz)
The House Transportation and Defense Committee has approved Rep. Phil Hart’s, R-Athol, bill to limit the use of whole-body imaging machines in airports and government building in Idaho, though Hart’s legislation has some issues yet to be resolved. Under Hart’s plan, security personnel in airports, or other public facilities, would be prohibited from using the scanners as a primary means for ensuring the safety of a respective facility. The bill says that screeners must first use an alternative method of screening, such as a metal detector, as the primary inspection method/Dustin Hurst, Idaho Reporter. More here. Also: Hart's plan to restrict technology in driver's licenses clears committee/Dustin Hurst, Idaho Reporter
Question: Do you support Hart's bill?