Here Come The Megaloads
Imperial Oil has five days starting Friday to get a megaload and another smaller, oversized shipment from the Port of Lewiston to Idaho's border via the Palouse. The Idaho Transportation Department reissued the permits Wednesday for the moves, said Adam Rush, a spokesman for the agency in Boise. The 23-foot-wide, 208-foot-long, 131/2-foot-tall shipment will be inspected and weighed today, but its exact date of departure hasn't been set yet, according to Rush and Pius Rolheiser, a spokesman for Imperial Oil. ... Two ISP officers working overtime paid for by Imperial Oil will accompany the larger rig which is supposed to pull over every 15 minutes to allow traffic to pass. Its travel will be limited to between 10 p.m. and 5:30 a.m./Elaine Williams, Lewiston Tribune (via Eye on Boise). More here. (AP file photo)
Question: Are you ready for the megaloads to roll through Coeur d'Alene?