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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Huckleberries Online

Dem Chided For Anti-Luna Email

Item: Boise Democratic Rep. Sue Chew chided for email: Rep. Sue Chew sought teachers’ help in recruiting students to overturn the Luna education reform laws/Dan Popkey

More Info: House Minority Leader John Rusche told Rep. Sue Chew on Monday that an email sent from her legislative account to nearly 800 addressees was inappropriate. The May 12 email suggested high school government classes focus on referendums seeking to overturn three education reform laws authored by GOP Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna. “Allowing students to register to vote and keeping them informed of upcoming events, such as the referendum, is a way for the teachers to instill the rhetoric from class within their students’ lives,” said the email.

Question: Did Rep. Sue Chew act properly in using her legislative email to lobby against education "reform" laws pushed by Superintendent of Schools Tom Luna?

D.F. Oliveria
D.F. (Dave) Oliveria joined The Spokesman-Review in 1984. He currently is a columnist and compiles the Huckleberries Online blog and writes about North Idaho in his Huckleberries column.

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