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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Huckleberries Online

Effort To Recall Luna Falls Far Short

(Campaign manager Morgan) Hill, a Boise pilot, said the campaign raised only about $4,500, plus another $15,000 worth of in-kind advertising donations, and relied entirely on volunteers. Though it reported in early June that it had more than 75,000 signatures, Hill said an “error in the numbers” forced a recount yesterday, which led to the conclusion late last night that the campaign had gathered only about 50,000 signatures for the statewide recall petition. ... Hill said the campaign also was hurt by the Idaho Education Association's decision not to support the recall effort; the teachers' union backed a successful referendum drive that will place all three of Luna's controversial new school reform laws on the ballot for possible repeal in the November 2012 election/Betsy Russell, Eye On Boise. More here.

  • Arpie explains why Idaho Education Association didn't participate in Recall Luna effort here

Question: Do you consider the failed recall effort as an endorsement of Superintendent Tom Luna & his policies?

D.F. Oliveria
D.F. (Dave) Oliveria joined The Spokesman-Review in 1984. He currently is a columnist and compiles the Huckleberries Online blog and writes about North Idaho in his Huckleberries column.

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